Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award 2009 recipients

Trinity College student Jiwon Tina Park is co-president of the college's International Relations Society and has served as its communications director...
While president of the Nursing Undergraduate Society at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Maria Parzanese worked to actively expand the nu...
Philip Mark Neil Patchin has a strong dedication to the computer science program. He has served several consecutive years in the department's Ambassad...
Michael Pe is an active student leader at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, having served as class vice-president, social director and orientation d...
Medical student Sophie Petropoulous is a recognized leader both on and off campus. She was central in the organization of an international exchange wo...
Kate Pettifer is an active member of the Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Student Council, currently serving as treasurer and a member of...
Victoria College student Lena Phillips is co-chair of the WUSC Student Refugee Program. She is also sits on the Victoria College Diversity Committee (...
Annabel Pitts is involved in organizing and planning 2009 graduation activities for the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work. She is a master's stu...
St. Michael's College student Cesare Plastina is currently a residence don, having served the college's student union as president and Double Blue com...
As a director of the Women's Centre at U of T Scarborough (UTSC), Lori Polito helped to established scholarships for students dedicated to improving t...
An arts and science student at New College, Manveen Puri been described as a "model mentor" to high school students in some of Toronto's underrepresen...
Trinity College student Sadia Rafiquddin is a leading member of the G8 Research Group. As director of internal fundraising, she raised $60,000 to supp...
U of T Scarborough (UTSC) student Pranavi Ravichandran is a Biology Students' Association team player. Her responsibilities over the years have includ...
As president of Net Impact, Stefan Read has run successful events at the Rotman School of Management. He has also been a volunteer at many events. He ...
Graduate student Dennis Rijkhoff is a member of the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design student community. He has served as ...
Mohamed Sabri is president of the Human Biology Student Union, science representative for the Faculty of Arts and Science and a member of the Science ...
Adrian Sacher is a chapter editor of the Faculty of Medicine's Toronto Notes and continues to serves as an advisory board member on the Aboriginal Hea...
Elena Sahakyan has served the Rotman Commerce Law Association for several years, first as director of events and now as president. She is a member of ...
Recipient of the Undergraduate Student Research Award, U of T Mississauga (UTM) student Shahnur Saiyad has represented the UTM community on several co...
Jaymie Sampa is president of the Physical and Health Education Athletic Association (PHEAA), an organization with which she has been involved for the ...

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