U of T Alumni Reunion

 Oak leaves floating in a green background.
U of T Alumni Reunion

May 28–June 1, 2025

Come back this spring for the alumni event of the year. From kids’ activities to free lectures to outdoor fests, there are so many ways to reunite. Update your email now. Never miss news about Reunion or other U of T events.

Old friends. New experiences.

For so many alumni, U of T was a time of new experiences and Alumni Reunion 2025 is your chance to create more. Come catch up with friends, meet other alumni and learn something cool together. With events on all three campuses, there’s something for everyone back where it all began.


For general inquiries, contact:

1-888-738-8876 or 416-978-5881

To ask about events at your faculty, college or other U of T community, search contact info here.

Faculties and Departments

Applied Science and Engineering, Faculty of
Shannon Osborne
T: 416-978-4274
E: events@engineering.utoronto.ca

Arts & Science, Faculty of 
Arts & Science Advancement  
E: alumni@artsci.utoronto.ca

Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Daniel Downey
Alumni Engagement & Annual Giving Officer
T: 416-978-1649
E: daniel.downey@utoronto.ca

Dentistry, Faculty of 
Roshaan Hajira
Alumni Engagement Officer
E: roshaan.hajira@dentistry.utoronto.ca

Information, Faculty of
Advancement and Alumni Relations
E: advancement.ischool@utoronto.ca

Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work 
Seerat Siddique
Director, Advancement
T: 416-978-5042
E: seerat.siddique@utoronto.ca

John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design
M.K. Aaref
Alumni and Development Officer
T: 416-978-4340
E: mk.aaref@daniels.utoronto.ca

Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
Alumni Relations
T: 416-978-8825
E: alumni@rotman.utoronto.ca

Kinesiology and Physical Education, Faculty of 
Carlo Siochi
Alumni Engagement Officer
E: carlo.siochi@utoronto.ca

Law, Faculty of 
Devorah Lindsay
Alumni Officer
E: devorah.lindsay@utoronto.ca

Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Jade Shortte
Advancement Coordinator
T: 416-946-7097
E: jade.shortte@utoronto.ca

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
Regan Tigno
Manager, Alumni Relations
T: 416-946-3623
E: alumni.pharmacy@utoronto.ca

Temerty Faculty of Medicine
Alumni Relations and Special Events
E: alumni.medicine@utoronto.ca

Munk School of Global Affairs 
Sole Fernandez 
Professional Development and Alumni Relations Coordinator 
T: 416-946-8912
E: sole.fernandez@utoronto.ca

Music, Faculty of  
James Conquer
Advancement Coordinator 
T: 416-946-3145
E: james.conquer@utoronto.ca

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 
Natalie Neumann Butler
Sr. Alumni Programs & Donor Relations Officer
E: natalie.neumannbutler@utoronto.ca

Rotman Commerce
Sarah Tron
Senior Project Manager and Alumni Engagement Officer
E: sarah.tron@utoronto.ca

School of Continuing Studies
Muneeb Syed
Associate Director, Advancement
T: 416-978-1692
E: mun.syed@utoronto.ca


Innis College
Shayla Anderson
Development Officer
T: 437-788-8845 
E: shayla.anderson@utoronto.ca

Knox College
Jennilee Psarologos
Manager, Advancement & Alumni Relations
T: 416-978-8738 
E: jennilee.psarologos@utoronto.ca

New College
Brenda Registe  
Alumni Development Officer 
T: 416-978-8273
E: brenda.registe@utoronto.ca

Trinity College
Office of Alumni Affairs  
T: 416-946-7167
E: trinity.alumni@utoronto.ca

University College
Maria Ferreira
Alumni Relations Officer
E: mh.ferreira@utoronto.ca

University of St. Michael’s College
Alumni Affairs and Development 
T: 416-926-7260
E: smc.alumniaffairs@utoronto.ca

Victoria University
Helena Herscovici
Alumni Affairs Officer
T: 416-585-4503 
E: h.herscovici@utoronto.ca

Woodsworth College
Carolyn Peralta
Alumni & Development Officer
E: carolyn.peralta@utoronto.ca

Campuses, Libraries and Hart House

Hart House
Bonnie Merchan-Douglas 
Alumni Engagement & Stewardship, Advancement
T: 416-946-7325
E: b.douglas@utoronto.ca

University of Toronto Libraries 
Carolyn Eady
Advancement Officer 
E: carolyn.eady@utoronto.ca

University of Toronto Mississauga  
UTM Alumni Relations 
T: 905-569-4697
E: alumni.utm@utoronto.ca

University of Toronto Scarborough 
Corey Formica
Alumni Development Officer
E: alumni.utsc@utoronto.ca

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