Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award 2009 recipients

Electrical engineering student Alp Kucukelbir is currently his department's representative on the Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) Working Group in the Facul...
As a volunteer with LAWS (Law in Action Within Schools) in the Faculty of Law, Alykhan Kurji developed a strong relationship with his high school ment...
Victoria College student Nicola Langille is active in student life, particularly at Hart House. She serves as a member of the Hart House Board of Stew...
Jennifer Lapum has contributed to graduate student life at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing. As president of the Graduate Nurses Student S...
University College student Jennifer Lau is currently president of the East Asian Studies Student Union and co-president of the English Students' Union...
Engineering student Judith Lau is currently chair of Nsight, a first year Engineering Science mentorship program with which she has been involved sinc...
As an MD candidate, Nam Le has been an advocate and leader for his peers. In the first two years he served as vice-president of external affairs of th...
Life sciences student Jessica Leen has been active in campus life both at St. Michael's College and U of T as a whole. Currently she is the president ...
In addition to displaying leadership qualities on campus at New College, Isabel Leung, an arts and science student, has worked to make a difference gl...
At the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Doris Leung sits on the executive of the Graduate Student Nurses Society. She has also pursued other l...
Victoria College student Angela Li has served as a first year Learning Communities peer mentor and as part of Leadership Educators and Resources Netwo...
Social Sciences student Hao Li is the UNICEF president at U of T Scarborough. Involved in the college's mentorship program, she also devotes time to o...
Engineering student William Li has a long-term commitment to the University's chapter of Engineers without Borders. Under his leadership as co-preside...
University College student Annie Lu is a peer mentor with the Faculty of Arts and Science's first year Learning Communities program. Her on-campus con...
Rotman MBA student Daniel Ludwin is the driving force behind a Canada-U.S. business case competition, designed to give first year students a chance to...
Rotman commerce student William Ma is president of U of T's Finance Association. His contribution to the organization over the years includes the intr...
Mia Majorahn is co-president of the 2009 Department of Speech-Language Pathology graduating class. Her leadership abilities have been recognized on an...
Mayya Makarem has worked to improve student life at New College, where she is an arts and science student, and at the Rotman Commerce program. She is ...
Waed Mallah is an executive member of the Biology Students' Association with a strong track record of volunteer work on and off campus. Over the years...
Master of Information Studies student Bill Mann has distinguished himself as a community leader. In his first year, he started a lunch series to encou...

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