UTAA committees

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UTAA committees

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) committee

Chair: Eugene Choi (HBA 2012 Woodsworth College, MBA 2019 Rotman School of Management)
Serves as a primary liaison with DUA Alumni Relations to keep abreast of DUA and University-wide EDI initiatives, goals, and priorities to ensure that the UTAA is aligned with the University's efforts.

Finance committee 

Chair: Evelyn Foo, Treasurer (BCom 1987 New College)
Focuses on UTAA operating budget and investments, and UTAA funding guidelines and requests. 

Mentorship committee

Chair: Gordon Beal (HBA 1985 UTSC) 
Focuses on promoting and supporting alumni mentorship programs at the University of Toronto.

Nominating committee 

Chair: Candice Jay, President-Elect (HBA 2007 UTM)
Reviews the list of qualified potential alumni candidates for membership on the UTAA Board of Directors and recommends the slate for approval at the annual general meeting.

Council of Presidents

Chair: Corwin Cambray, President (MSPL 1999 Faculty of Arts and Science)
Comprises the presidents of constituent alumni associations, U of T’s formally recognized affinity alumni groups, and the UTAA board of directors, and is a forum for the sharing and exchange of information about the university and alumni engagement.

Soldiers’ Tower Committee

Chair: Peter MacLaurin (MBA 1984 Joseph L. Rotman School of Management)
A dedicated volunteer group of alumni and friends who are committed to preserving the memory of the University’s contribution to the war effort.  The Committee organizes the annual Service of Remembrance, to honour U of T alumni, students, faculty and staff who fell in the First and Second World Wars, as well as other conflicts.  The Committee also ensures that the Memorial Room is maintained and open on a regular basis for visitors.

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