Contact the Soldiers' Tower
The Soldiers' Tower hours
Visit our Facebook site for a schedule of informal carillon playing times.
Schedule for March 2025
Connect with us
The Soldiers' Tower is administered by Alumni Relations department at the University of Toronto. The Soldiers’ Tower Committee, a sub-committee of the University of Toronto Alumni Association, is a group of volunteers who assist Alumni Relations in fundraising for the Tower and in looking after the memorial.
Among the committee’s accomplishments is the establishment of the small museum in the Memorial Room on the second level of the Tower, which includes a collection of medals, memorial books, portraits, photographs and flags. These artifacts honour the memory and wartime service of the University's alumni, students, faculty and staff who fought to preserve democracy, and our liberties.
How to contact the Soldiers' Tower
Kathy Parks,
Coordinator, Soldiers' Tower & Carillon
Alumni hotline