2018 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award Recipients

Jananee was President of the UTM Rotaract Club, and worked on professional development with the UTM Student Management Association.
Miranda was a Coordinator with the UTM Sexual Education Centre, and Co-Founder of the UTM Student Housing and Residence Life Choir.
Venessa was President of the U of T United Nations Society, and Vice-President of the U of T Campus Conservative Club.
Karina was Director of the International Students’ Liaison Team at the Rotman Commerce Students’ Association.
Enakshi was the Founder and Director of Business Development for the Volunteer Engineering Experience Program.
Rohan was a Vice-President of the Woodsworth College Students' Association, and Secretary of the Woodsworth Residence Council.
Yashvi was President of the Management and Economics Students' Association.
Shobhit was the Academic Representative for the class of 2018, and a mentor to students in Management and Engineering.
Aalia was Co-President of the U of T Chapter of the MusicBox Children's Charity, and Orientation Coordinator for New College.
Priyanka was President of the Arts & Science Student Union, and Co-Director of the Undergraduate Research Conference.
Haya was Vice-President, External Affairs of the Woodsworth College Students' Association, as well as an Orientation Leader and a peer mentor.
Javal was Co-President of the UTSC Co-op Students’ Association and a Peer Support Leader with the International Student Centre.
Naomi was Vice-President of the Graduate Architecture, Landscape, and Design Student Union.
Sarabeth was Communications Director with the Graduate Nurses' Student Society.
Sarah was Co-Chair of the Students for Antimicrobial Stewardship Society, and Co-President of the U of T Student Chapter of Canadian Doctors for Medic...
Emily was Music Education Director and Vice-President, Communications, of the Faculty of Music's Undergraduate Association, as well as an Orientation ...
Utkarshna was Founder and President of the U of T Biomolecular Design Team.
Maryn was the Secretary of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work Graduate Student Union and a Representative on the Master of Social Work Studie...
As Outreach Manager of the Graduate Business Council, Robin coordinated volunteering opportunities for her fellow MBA students.
Christine was President of the Architecture and Visual Studies Student Union, and Executive Coordinator of the Daniels Arcade.

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