2018 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award Recipients

Rachel was a Vice-President of the Dental Students' Society, and Co-Founder and President of the Dentistry Students for Antimicrobial Stewardship Soci...
Alicia was Equity Coordinator for the Nursing Undergraduate Society.
Anna was Health Promotion Co-Chair of the IMAGINE Clinic, and the Global Health Representative at the Nursing Undergraduate Society.
Nana was Vice-President of Equity for the Scarborough Campus Students Union, and Co-President of the African Students’ Association.
Arjun was Editor-in-Chief of The Salterrae, and President of the U of T Pre-Law Society.
Hannah was Co-Director of the U of T International Health Program, and an Executive of the University’s chapter of OXFAM.
Emma was Editor-in-Chief of the Saeculum Undergraduate Academic Journa, and a Commuter Don at St. Michael's College.
Elisabeth was Co-President and Treasurer of the Human Biology Students' Union.
Nathana was Co-Director of the U of T Black Medical Students' Association, and Co-Founder of the Summer Application Support Initiative for aspiring me...
Melisa was Co-Founder and Co-President of the U of T Chapter of the Foundation for Student Science and Technology.
Vinusha was a member of Students for Indigenous Health Equity, and Student Lead Editor of the Canadian Public Health Association Health Digest.
Sahil was Founder and President of the U of T chapter of the Centre for Research on Inner City Health.
Rahul was Founder of the South Asian Alliance, Conference Director for the U of T Chapter of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and President o...
Andrew was Vice-President of the Dental Students' Society, and Vice-President of the Dental Hockey Club Alumni Association.
Mariam was Project Leader for UTM’s Alternative Reading Week, and a Student Member of the University’s Academic Board.
Katie was Executive Secretary of the Hart House Symphonic Band, and a Project Leader with the Trinity College Volunteer Society.
Amanda was Social Sciences Director of UTSU (University of Toronto Students' Union), and a Student Governor on U of T's Governing Council.
Tammi was Senior Vice-President of the You’re Next Career Network, and Vice-Chair of Engineering Student Orientation.
Jeremy was a Student Leader of the St. Michael College’s Campus Ministry, and Commissioner of Religious and Community Affairs at the College’s stu...
Alicia was Chair of the Bloorview Research Institute Trainee Executive.

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