2018 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award Recipients

Cailin was President of the Rotman Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Association.
Faraz was President of the U of T chapter of the Blu Matter Project, and Vice-President of the U of T Secular Alliance.
Jiaqi was Co-Chair of the Engineering Science Education Conference, and Co-President of the Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering.
Tonny was President of the Medical Biophysics Graduate Student Association, and Executive Secretary of the Hart House Chorus.
James was Artistic Director of the UC Follies Theatre Company, and a Coordinator of the U of T Drama Festival.
Oghosa was Vice-President - Academic, of the U of T Engineering Society.
Sean was President of Students Offering Support U of T, Co-President of the Medical Science Student Union, and Co-Founder of the U of T Beatbox Club. ...
Gloria was Senior Peer Career Advisor at Career Exploration and Education, and a Residence Don at University College.
Maleeha was Founder and Editor of the Women, Culture, Society Undergraduate Review, and also Vice-President of the UTM Red Cross.
As Player Development Coach of the Varsity Baseball Team, Patrick set up mentorships for incoming students, and an outreach program to indigenous and ...
Ramesha was a Co-Founder and President of the UTSC Pre-Management Club, and an active volunteer with the Move U Crew.
Richie was Co-Founder and Co-Executive Producer of the successful Raw Talk Podcast at the Faculty of Medicine.
Maeghan was Chair of the U of T student chapter of the Association of Canadian Archivists.
Antonio was Co-President of the U of T chapter of the Water Environment Association of Ontario, and the Canadian Association of Food Engineers.
Chaim was Chair of the Graduate Engineering Council of Students, and President of the Biomedical Engineering Student Association.
Isabel was Co-Founder and Co-President of the U of T chapters of Health Occupation Students of America, and of the U of T Fundraising Club.
Waleed was Co-Editor of Interneuron Magazine, and Co-Chair of EarthTones, the U of T International Health Program.
Wazaira organized the Women in Science and Engineering U of T’s national conference as the organization's Events Director, and was also a Residence ...
Amir was President of the International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences' (AIESEC) U of T chapter, and Business Development...
Changmo was Vice-President of the New College Student Council, and Founder and Co-President of U of T Beatbox.

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