2009 Arbor Awards Recipients

Ann Atkins, together with fellow Arbor Award winner Jim Dunn, is a longstanding member of Later Life Learning (LLL), a non-profit organization run alm...
For almost 20 years, Bruce Barnett-Cowan has provided thoughtful contributions and leadership to almost every aspect of Trinity College. Bruce was a f...
For more than two decades, Joseph J. Barnicke has served on the finance committee at the University of St. Michael's College. He has played a piv...
J. Christopher Barron has been an exemplary volunteer for the University of Toronto. For many years, Christopher was chair of the President's investme...
Byron Bellows has served as an important volunteer and friend of the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing for many years. In his volunteer role, ...
A member of the Senior Alumni Association since 2003, Bernie Blackstein is known for his enthusiasm, persistence and success in applying his professio...
Michelle Brownrigg has been involved with the Varsity Blues volleyball program for 20 years, first as a player and then as the team's sport psychology...
Michelle Brownrigg has been involved with the Varsity Blues volleyball program for 20 years, first as a player and then as the team's sport psychology...
Glenn Christie is an enthusiastic and passionate volunteer for Woodsworth College. Each year, he demonstrates his commitment to Woodsworth by particip...
Since 2001, Peter Clewes has served as an important friend and advisor to the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Peter an...
Since 2001, Peter Clewes has served as an important friend and advisor to the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Peter an...
Joseph Colangelo has been a committed volunteer at the Faculty of Law. As a past president of the Medico-Legal Society of Toronto, he worked with Pro ...
Gerry Connelly has committed her time, experience and leadership ability to the Dean's Advisory Board at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Edu...
Dr. Donald Cowan personifies volunteerism. He has participated in more than 60 committees at the Faculty of Medicine and its partner hospitals. Donald...
Anne Dale studied at U of T's Faculty of Dentistry at a time when there were few women studying in this field. She became a role model for women ...
Retired dentistry professor Jack Dale was a favourite of the many students he taught and mentored. Jack has carried on that dedication since his retir...
Anton Davies is a triple graduate of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering's mechanical and industrial engineering department. A foundin...
The Honourable Mr. Justice J. Todd Ducharme has served in a variety of volunteer roles at the Faculty of Law. He was a key organizer of his class reun...
The Honourable Mr. Justice J. Todd Ducharme has served in a variety of volunteer roles at the Faculty of Law. He was a key organizer of his class reun...
Jim Dunn, together with fellow Arbor Award winner Ann Atkins, is a longstanding member of Later Life Learning (LLL), a non-profit organization run alm...

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