Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award 2012 recipients

Brian has spearheaded many projects as president of the Canadian Blood Services at U of T. He is an orientation leader and peer counsellor at Trinity ...
Aditya is well on his way to making a difference in the field of dentistry. As class President and Treasurer, he has participated in numerous charity ...
Kerry has been a stellar member the Peace and Conflict Society Executive, serving as class representative and co-president as well as on the steering ...
Ben has contributed to student life at U of T in myriad ways. An enthusiastic student ambassador, he has served as secretary of the Hart House Debate ...
Natalia has been involved in many facets of student life at the Faculty of Pharmacy. As the director of External Affairs she served as a liaison betwe...
Anda's campaign to protect water as a human right included helping launch a ban on the sale and distribution of bottled water on campus. She is an ins...
Marc has made the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering a more inclusive place. He chaired a national conference on women in engineering and as p...
As a doctoral student and a practicing nurse, Sheri serves on numerous academic boards and associations, including Curriculum Committees, Graduate Stu...
In her four years at the University of Toronto, Victoria has demonstrated great passion for U of T and Hart House. Always looking to create new opport...
Kasia is an active and inspirational leader both on and off campus. She has engaged in student life through her current role as Treasurer of the Socia...
Stephanie is co-Chair of the Special Libraries Association - Toronto Student Group, which involves scheduling and chairing executive meetings and orga...
Ashley's dedication to promoting environmental sustainability is truly inspiring. As the very first Sustainability Commissioner on VUSAC, she helped t...
Vanessa's spirit and passion for improving campus life through advocacy and leadership has inspired other students to volunteer their time to valuable...
Aaron has made a remarkable contribution to the law school community. As current President of the Student Law Society and co-Chair of the Peer Mentors...
As co-founder of the Public Water Initiative and now a Trinity College grad, Leanne spoke to thousands of students over three years to help persuade t...
Nirshanthika has worked as publicity director for the Biology Students' Association and UNICEF secretary at U of T Scarborough as well as a Nutritiona...
As co-organizer of the 2012 iSchool Student Conference and as Secretary of the Hart House Literary and Library Committee, Stacey has demonstrated trem...
Trisha created the first and only Canadian Vascular Surgery Interest Group, within the Faculty of Medicine. She essentially developed this program sin...
As a Peer Health Educator and a volunteer with the U of T Mental Health Awareness Club's Green Ribbon Campaign, Gukan has helped to raise awareness of...
Lara demonstrated outstanding leadership skills while serving on the executive board of the Nursing Student Undergraduate Society and in that capacity...

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