Featured alumni

Jesse Wente smiles confidently in front of blue sky and bare tree
Featured alumni

Jesse Wente

Find out how this U of T Cinema Studies grad became a film critic for CBC Radio and an advocate for the representation of Indigenous people.

Everton Gooden

University of Toronto Scarborough | Temerty Faculty of Medicine

When outsiders shudder over the extensive training required for a physician to become a specialist, there’s one key factor they usually overlook...

David C. Onley

University of Toronto Scarborough | Faculty of Arts & Science

In 1984, David Onley commenced a 22-year career with CityTV as Canada’s first on-air reporter with a visible disability.

Derek Tsang

University of Toronto Scarborough | Faculty of Arts & Science

Derek Tsang is one of Hong Kong’s bright young filmmakers but when he was a student at U of T he chose to study sociology.

Doris McCarthy

University of Toronto Scarborough | Faculty of Arts & Science

At age 76, renowned landscape painter Doris McCarthy "decided I'd like a BA, and began my studies at Scarborough College."

Preet Banerjee

University of Toronto Scarborough | Faculty of Arts & Science

Preet Banerjee’s route from UTSC neuroscience student to TV finance personality took a detour through Bridgestone Racing Academy.

Tenniel Chu

University of Toronto Scarborough | Faculty of Arts & Science

Tenniel Chu loves golf, but he has little time to hit the links – he’s too busy expanding the game throughout China.

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