
A community is a great place to learn
Spend time with your U of T friends, meet interesting people, attend some workshops and connect with a world of ideas!
Take in unique experiences and new ideas
Find the events, workshops, lectures and more that will link you up with interesting people and timely, topical ideas.
Upcoming events
Browse our programming
Whatever your age or stage of life, our programs can help you grow your career, connect to fascinating people and learn about the latest ideas transforming your community.
U of T Where You Are
U of T brings talks by leading researchers to cities around the world.
Alumni Reunion
Connect with old friends and new while enjoying interesting lectures, talks and fun.
Online education
Attend a talk, sign up for a lecture series, or join a massive open online course (MOOC).
LGBTQ2S+ program
Come out and explore the University’s unique events for our LGBTQ2S+ community.