Queer Women’s Narratives on Screen: Short Film Screening & Panel Discussion

From the lesbian death trope to the deep closet of subtext, queer women’s narratives on screen can be as ill-fated and invisible, as they are frustrating.
On March 9, join the Sexual and Gender Diversity Office for a screening of four short films that change up the kinds of queer girls’/ women’s narratives we so often see in media — moving beyond “just subtext” and onto the screen.
After the screening, the filmmakers will participate in a special panel discussion.
• Tricia Hagoriles (“Beat”)
• Joella Cabalu (“Do I Have Boobs Now?”)
• Julianna Notten & Claire Allore (“Erin’s Guide to Kissing Girls”)
• Gabrielle Zilkha & Jenn Mason (“Stop Calling Me Honey Bunny”)
Registration opens at 6:30. Film screening will begin promptly at 7, followed by discussion.