Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award 2014 recipients

Andrea, co-president of the Occuational Therapy and Physical Therapy Student Association, completed a placement at a hospital in Tanzania.
Larissa is editor of the UTM literary journal Mindwaves. She also served as vice-president of the Sociology and Criminology Society.
Vanessa, a member of the Innis College Council, is co-founder of the University of Toronto Chapter of the World Food Programme.
Christopher held posts in the Trinity College Literary Institute and the Trinity College Historical Society.
Victoria is the community nutrition representative to the Public Health Students' Association.
Kylene is social director of the Graduate Nurses Student Society.
Johnny, vice-president of the Undergraduate Physiology Students' Association, was actively involved in buddy programs and ran exam help sessions for i...
Greg has written for Informed, the iSchool alumni magazine. He also designed a popular mobile app for the school.
Jaymon served on the Management & Economics Students' Association. He also coaches co-op students on how to find placements.
Emilia served as health and sustainability officer for the Graduate Architecture, Landscape, and Design Student Union. She was the featured student on...
Sofia was editor-in-chief of Rights Review. She also mentored low-income students in the LSAT preparatory program.
Anthony was vice-president of academics for the Kinesiology & Physical Education Undergraduate Association and is a coordinator for the Bodies of Know...
Wilfred established the U of T chapter of the Canadian Diabetes Association. He is captain of the Varsity Blues squash team.
Benjamin, vice-president social affairs of the Students' Law Society, is co-founder of the Walk a Day in Her Shoes fundraising event.
Sarah volunteered on the TEDxUofTMississauga team. She served on the Department of Management's advisory board.
Natasha is an executive member of the IMAGINE Clinic. She was also pharmacy representative to the U of T chapter of IHI Open School.
Hanna, past president of the Women in Science and Engineering, launched Schooled 4 Skule, a tutoring service for high-school students.
Megan served the Rotman Commerce Finance Association in many roles, including president.
Bushra served on the board of directors of the UTSC Women's Centre and as vice-president of UNICEF UTSC.
Maia is co-secretary of the Hart House Social Justice Committee and a member of the Centre for Community Partnerships.

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