Mentor a student

Reach out to the next generation
Share your knowledge with bright students interested in your field.
Mentor a student… and strengthen our community
U of T offers numerous opportunities for alumni to mentor students. This valuable work broadens your own network and lets you share your expertise – and it helps young people with diverse backgrounds to launch their careers, develop skills and meet the challenges of life after university. Together, we create a stronger, engaged and inclusive community.
College and campus mentorship programs
- Innis Alumni Mentorship Program
- New College, Career Mentorship Program
- St. Michael's College, AMPlify St. Mikes: Alumni Mentorship Program
- UTM (Mississauga), Alumni Mentorship Program
- UTM (Mississauga), I-Cube Alumni Mentors (Entrepreneurship)
- UTM (Mississauga), New Graduate Mentorship Program
- UTSC (Scarborough), Partners in Leadership
- University College, UC Career Mentorship Program
- Victoria College, Forging Your Future
- Woodsworth College, Alumni Mentorship Program
Faculty and department mentorship programs
- Actuarial Science Mentorship Program
- Arts and Science: Backpack to Briefcase
- Chemistry Graduate Mentorship Program
- Computer Science, Alumni-Student Career Mentorship Program
- DLSPH/PHAA Alumni-Student Mentorship Program
- Economics (MA) Mentorship Program
- Engineering Mentorship Program
- Faculty of Information Mentorship Program
- Faculty of Social Work Mentorship Program
- Hart House Mentorship Program
- IHPME Alumni Mentorship Program for Health Services Research Students
- Industrial Relations and Human Resources Mentorship Program
- Law Mentorship Program
- Life Sciences Career Development Society Mentorship Program
- Music Mentorship Program
- Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Mentorship Program
- Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy - PharmaSEE Mentorship Program (PMP)
- OISE Mentorship Program
- Political Science Mentorship Program
- Program in Planning Mentorship Program
- Psychology Mentorship Program
- Rotman MBA Mentor Programs
- Rotman Commerce Mentorship Program
- Statistical Sciences Mentorship Program
- Temerty Faculty of Medicine Mentorship Program
How to be an ideal mentor
Mentoring can be deeply satisfying for both mentor and mentee. As well as the pleasure of giving back, you hone your coaching skills, self-awareness and understanding of your own field. The ideal mentor is committed, thoughtful, confidential and constructive.
Other opportunities
Share your knowledge with bright students interested in your field.
Job Shadowing Program
Students shadow a U of T alum for the day on the job to help learn about career options and build their professional networks.
U of T Hub on Ten Thousand Coffees
Want to share your career experience with current students and recent graudates? Join the U of T Hub on 10K Coffees today.