2018 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award Recipients

Supreet was Co-Founder of the Scarborough Pre-Med Society, and Co-Founder and Co-Editor of the Women's Issue Magazine.
Nadine volunteered with Syrian and Iraqi refugees, and founded Qudra, a social enterprise that helps street children in Egypt get an education.
Daouii founded U of T Black Ties, a networking and mentorship group that helps students of colour prepare to launch their professional careers.
Kyoko was Co-President of the Victoria International Student Association.
Mofetoluwa was Vice-President of the Nigerian Students Association, and a mentor in the First in the Family program.
Arnav was an Executive Member for the University of Toronto International Health Program, and Vice-President of Community Affairs for the Medical Soci...
Faizan was a Student Representative on the Governing Council, and a member of the UTSU board.
Syeda was President of the U of T Chapter of Women in Science and Engineering, and coordinated the organization’s national conference.
Victoria was President of the Psychology Students' Association, and an Orientation Leader at University College.
Elspeth was Student Speaker of the Innis College Council, and Founder of the College’s Art Club.
Jina was Co-President of the Undergraduate Sociology Students’ Union, and Founder and President of the Spanish Students Organization.
Mohammad was Director of Corporate Relations of the Undergraduate Commerce Society, and a Residence Don at UTM.
Leila was Sustainability Commissioner on the Victoria University Students' Administrative Council (VUSAC), and an organizer of the U of T Fossil Fuel ...
Bamdad was Chair of the 12th Annual Peace, Conflict & Justice Conference, and Orientation Coordinator at Woodsworth College.
Amanda was Editor-in-Chief of The Strand, and Senior Editor of Intersections, U of T’s first literary journal for racialized students.
Sara was the Director of the Maternal and Natal Health Network Club at U of T Scarborough.
Kayla was President of her the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work Graduate Student Association, and a Student Representative on Faculty Council. ...
Noam was Founder and Chair of the Canadian Alliance of Healthcare Professional Student Associations, and Vice-President of the Medical Society.
Allegra was Treasurer of the U of T Chapter of Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, and Events Coordinator of U of T PAWS – Protection of Animals and Wi...
Natalie was President of the Kinesiology Physical Education Undergraduate Association.

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