How can Western and Indigenous sciences work together to recalibrate current practices in service of global well-being?

Join Dr. Yuria Celidwen on Tuesday, March 18 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Seely Hall, Trinity College to explore relationality and flourishing through cultivating relationships toward all kin, from human to more-than-human.
Our world faces crises that require a focus on community and planetary health and well-being, but the Western mindfulness movement is primarily focused on individual self-improvement. Dr. Yuria Celidwen will share insights from her recent book Flourishing Kin: Indigenous Wisdom for Collective Well-Being, bridging Indigenous ontologies and methodologies, academic research, and poetic expression to cultivate sustainable collective flourishing through Indigenous contemplative spiritualities and sciences. Celidwen defines relationality and flourishing as a spiritual-aesthetic arrest only possible in community through cultivating relationships toward all kin, from human to more-than-human, and the living Earth.
Through poetic expression and authentic truth-telling, Celidwen invites a path that meets the world’s complexity with reverence and joyous participation in the flourishing of all living beings – RSVP Today!
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