UTAA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee
UTAA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) committee terms of reference
May 12, 2021
Committee group composition and duration
1. What criteria will be used to select membership?
The Committee will be a Committee of the Board and will consist of not less than four and not more than five voting members, as follows:
- one or two of the following people: the President, President Elect and Past President; and
- the balance of the voting members will be made up of Board directors.
The Committee members will broadly represent the board’s composition.
The Committee will also include two non-voting ex-officio members, namely the AVP Alumni Relations and the Director, Alumni Engagement Metrics and Recognition.
The President will survey the directors as to their interest in being members of the Committee and will select the Committee members on that basis.
At their discretion, the Committee will have the power to invite individuals to participate in one or more Committee meetings, for example, alumni at large, university stakeholders, or EDI experts. Those individuals will not have a vote on the Committee.
2. For what period of time will this Committee operate?
Members of the Committee will serve for a two-year term, with the option of being renewed for a second two-year term, so long as the Committee member is still a Director of the Board.
Ideally, approximately half of the Committee members will turn over every year.
3. Does the Committee represent the first phase of a longer project?
The Board expects this Committee to be in existence for the foreseeable future.
4. How will the EDI Committee chair be determined?
The Chair of the Committee will be selected by the President. The President may choose to delegate the selection of the Chair to the Committee members.
Purpose & responsibilities
5. What will be the purpose and responsibilities of the Committee?
Generally, the Committee’s purpose and responsibilities will be as follows:
- Relying on existing work and resources, define what EDI means to the UTAA. Revisit that definition periodically to ensure it reflects changing values.
- Serve as a primary liaison with DUA Alumni Relations to keep abreast of DUA and University- wide EDI initiatives, goals, and priorities to ensure that the UTAA is aligned with the University’s efforts.
- Serve as the point of contact for collaborative UTAA/DUA Alumni Relations EDI efforts and initiatives
- Periodically review all UTAA structures / Committees, policies, programs and consider if any should be revisited through an EDI lens.
- Consider what role the UTAA should have in championing EDI outside of the UTAA’s direct responsibilities, through communications, funding, or otherwise.
- Consider how the UTAA will define, measure and communicate about its EDI related progress and impact
- More specifically, the Committee will review the UTAA’s responsibilities in various areas to ensure they are in line with EDI principles, including, but not limited, to:
Board composition / Nominating Committee
- Review and provide recommendations on how to further broaden the pool of candidates for the Nomination Committee’s consideration
- Work with DUA Alumni Relations Award Program Lead to examine Awards within the UTAA portfolio to determine how to best engage with relevant University stakeholders
- Review / recommend changes to the way in which juries are selected for the awards.
- Along with relevant stakeholders, consider whether the UTAA’s EDI objectives would be advanced by the creation of a new or support for an existing award for members of racialized communities
Leadership / mentorship amongst alumni associations
- Connect with existing groups such as the African Alumni Association and Black Alumni Association to identify ways in which the UTAA can engage with and champion those associations’ initiatives and their alumni members.
- Consider the use of the CoP platform to engage with constituent alumni associations on EDI issues
- Examine the CoP framework and format to ensure that it encourages and accommodates the inclusion of diverse groups and that its offerings are practical and of interests to all participating groups.
Advisory mandate
- Consider how the UTAA can infuse EDI considerations into its discussions with University leaders.
- Consider defining criteria for the selection of UTAA speakers
The Committee should be cautious about engaging in the following:
- Revisions of the UTAA By-laws.
- Engaging in an independent EDI research project.
- Creation of wholly new alumni programming.
6. How does the UTAA expect to change as a result of a concentrated focus on equity, diversity and inclusion?
The UTAA will embody and demonstrate its commitment to EDI principles through its structures, policies, programs, institutions, work and values.
7. How often will the Committee meet?
The Committee should meet as often as is needed to achieve its goals. The precise frequency of meetings shall be determined by the Chair and Committee members. In the first six months, the Committee should meet at least two times.
8. How will the meeting agendas be set?
The agenda shall be set by the Chair of the Committee in consultation with the members so the Committee.
9. Who will be Committee be accountable to?
The Committee will be accountable to the Board, and through the Board to the alumni members at large.
10. What will be the relationship between the Committee and DUA Alumni Relations efforts?
DUA Alumni Relations will act as a partner to the Committee by:
- providing a window into the University’s EDI projects and programs;
- facilitating connections between the Committee and other alumni associations or other University partners; and
- assisting the Committee in aligning itself with the University’s EDI efforts.
Outcomes & results
11. What are the outcomes or results we wish to see from the Committee?
In consultation with the Board, the Committee will determine its priorities for the next year and appropriate deliverable(s) and will outline these to the Board at the start of the year.
Timing of selection of committee members
12. When will the Committee be struck?
Committee members will be selected in June, in line with other Committees of the Board.