Awards of Excellence 2009 Recipients


The Awards of Excellence celebrate members of the University of Toronto community who, through their individual efforts and accomplishments, have contributed to the University’s vision of becoming a leader among the world’s best public teaching and research universities. Those honoured through the program have stepped up to the challenge of making rich and meaningful contributions to the University, the community, and to the world.



Faculty Award
David Zingg, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Northrop Frye Award (Individual)
Bryan Karney, Division of Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Northrop Frye Award (Divisional/Departmental)
The Socrates Project, Department of Philosophy Faculty of Arts and Science

Carolyn Tuohy Impact on Public Policy Award
Doug Reeve, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Vivek Goel Faculty Citizenship Award 
Ron Venter, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering 

Ludwik and Estelle Jus Memorial Human Rights Prize 
Arnold Noyek, Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine

Joan E. Foley Quality of Student Experience Award
Elaine Khoo, The Writing Centre, Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto Scarborough

Chancellor’s Award – Emerging Leader
Sharon Grandison, Ancillary Services, Office of the Vice-President, Business Affairs

Chancellor’s Award – Influential Leader
Barbara McCann, Office of the Registrar, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award 
William Clifton Vanderlinden, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Science

UTAA Graduate Scholars

Jordan Poppenk (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Science)
Lydell Wiebe (Deptartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering)

John H. Moss Scholarship 

Raha Bahreini
Faculty of Arts & Science
Victoria College

UTAA Scholars

James Auron (Faculty of Arts & Science, University College)
Colum (Michael) Grove-White (Faculty of Arts & Science, Trinity College)
Sheryl Johnson (Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College)
Ada Le (University of Toronto Scarborough)

Jon S. Dellandrea Scholarship for International Students

Mian Mansoor Ahmad
Faculty of Arts & Science
Trinity College


2009 Award Winners

Faculty Award

Professor David Zingg

David Zingg enjoys an outstanding reputation as an innovative and inspiring educator, an excellent communicator and a prolific and influential scientist who has made seminal contributions to computational fluid dynamics, aerodynamic shape optimization and the development of algorithms for aircraft design.

With a reputation for sustained excellence in teaching, undergraduate and graduate thesis supervision, research and service to the Institute for Aerospace Studies (IAS) and the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Professor Zingg is internationally known and respected. A regular guest speaker at conferences around the world, he holds the Canada Research Chair in Computational Aerodynamics at the IAS and is a fellow of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute and an associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He has published many influential papers and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2004.

Throughout his career Professor Zingg has collaborated with Canadian aerospace companies, including Bombardier Aerospace and Pratt and Whitney Canada and has been a regular and frequent collaborator with colleagues at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field CA. Algorithms for aerodynamic design developed by Professor Zingg have been used extensively by Bombardier for many years. A valued colleague and mentor and a patient and helpful supervisor, he is the author of an acclaimed textbook on computational fluid dynamics.

Professor Zingg has led the formation and implementation of research programs to develop aircraft that operate with a reduced environmental impact. Recently he organized an International Workshop on Aviation and Climate Change that included many leaders in this burgeoning field. He is a member of the Canadian Aviation and Environment Working Group and sits on the board of directors of the Green Aviation Research and Development Network.

With a long and distinguished record of service to the University and IAS, he has overseen the rapid growth in the number of graduate students at the Institute, has developed several key courses in aerospace studies, and is consistently highly rated by students for his teaching.


Northrop Frye Award (Individual)

Professor Bryan W. Karney

Bryan Karney exemplifies excellence in teaching and research and the integration of the two. He is recognized as an outstanding teacher whose ability to communicate and inspire is matched by his great range of instruction.

Drawing on his research expertise and experience, Professor Karney has taught courses on engineering graphics, dynamics, public speaking, fluid mechanics, ecology, the social implications of technology, hydrology and hydraulics, numerical methods, municipal engineering, engineering mathematics, water resources engineering, terrestrial energy systems and the design of wind and aero-turbo machines.

In addition to mathematically and technically demanding subjects, Professor Karney has taught courses dealing with the ecological and social dimensions of technology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He designed a new course recently on natural energy systems on earth—a prerequisite to the study of energy systems designed by humans—that is now required of both engineering and science students concentrating on energy systems.

Professor Karney’s pedagogical skill has been recognized by students and colleagues alike. He has twice been named teacher of the year in the Department of Civil Engineering and has received the Teaching Award from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. He was one of 10 finalists in the 2007 TVO Best Lecturer competition. Professor Karney has delivered multi-day training sessions in transient fluid flow in Brazil, China, Mexico and New Zealand and has a reputation that crosses borders.

He has made many contributions to enhance teaching and education in the Department of Civil Engineering and across the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, serving on and chairing many academic committees. As director of the Division of Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems, he has created new course options for students.

In his research, Professor Karney examines the most efficient and cost-effective ways of moving drinking water from source to users. He studies the impact on water safety when pipes and pumps break. As part of this work, he has developed software that is distributed to 20 countries and used by hundreds of engineers around the world. He is the author of more than 60 published papers in peer-reviewed journals with more than 160 additional publications and presentations at national and international conferences.


Northrop Frye Award (Divisional)

The Socrates Project

The Socrates Project exemplifies Northrop Frye’s conviction that teaching and learning are inseparable.

The initiative began as a three-year pilot project supported by the University’s Student Experience Fund. Now in its third year, it has become a model for integrating research and learning with enhancing the undergraduate experience.

The best senior undergraduates in the Department of Philosophy serve as tutorial leaders for PHL100, a large introductory philosophy course that provides an overview of the field, from Plato to the present. The student tutorial leaders who participate take an enrichment seminar with faculty members who specialize in the topics reviewed in PHL100. Thus, senior undergraduates are exposed to current debates in the field and then are able to introduce those debates to the tutorial discussions with first-year students. 

“The material we study lends itself to different levels of analysis,” says Professor Donald Ainslie, chair of the philosophy department. “The senior students are getting the experience of teaching the material they have readied and realizing there is so much more to learn.”

An undergraduate tutor writes: “The experience has definitely been one of the most memorable aspects of my undergraduate experience at U of T. My students teach and motivate me. Their questions challenge me to be on top of the material. I also learn a lot from their ideas and opinions, both in the tutorials and in their written work.”


Carolyn Tuohy Impact on Public Policy Award

Professor Doug Reeve

Doug Reeve’s nominators call him “energetic, visionary and persuasive”, “a driving force” and “a superb leader”. His contributions to policy relating to the pulp and paper industry began early in his career. In his PhD thesis he described a way of producing bleached pulp without effluent. His research helped to promote the use of chlorine dioxide instead of molecular chlorine in the bleaching process, resulting in improvements in water quality. He has since been an important voice in shaping Canadian policy on the pulp and paper industry.

As a consultant to industry on manufacturing and the environment, Professor Reeve has helped to promote the adoption of new processes that reduce the negative impacts of pulp and paper production on the environment. Over the past three decades he has reviewed the direction, leadership and strategy of many companies and government departments and agencies in more than 18 countries around the world. In 2008 he was inducted into the Paper Industry International Hall of Fame in recognition of his many outstanding contributions to the development of technology for the forest products industry.

In recent years Professor Reeve has helped to advance and deepen the relationship between engineering as a discipline and the formation of public policy. From 2006 to 2008, he chaired the Task Force on Engineering and Public Policy at the University’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering and in 2008 was the lead author of the task force report. He has initiated panel discussions and hosted speakers on the topic and in 2007 chaired a special panel for the Canadian Academy of Engineering on the impact of engineers on energy and environmental policy.

In addition to his role as chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Professor Reeve is a professor in the University’s School of Public Policy and Governance and was instrumental in making the engineering faculty a founding partner in the school in 2007.

Professor Reeve is also involved in shaping Ontario’s energy policy. He has been co-chair of the Electricity Policy Project at the School of Public Policy and Governance and was program chair for an international conference in 2008 on Ontario’s electricity policy. He is the lead editor of Current Affairs: Perspectives on Electricity Policy for Ontario, to be published by U of T Press. He is currently working on a proposal to build an Ontario University Network for Energy Policy Studies.


Vivek Goel Faculty Citizenship Award

Professor Emeritus Ron Venter 

Ron Venter is recognized for his exemplary service of more than three decades to the University. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering in 1975. He became associate chair of the department in 1979, chair in 1981 and vice-dean of the faculty in 1993. He served for two terms on the University’s Governing Council and as vice-provost, facilities and space planning, from 2001 until his retirement in 2005.

As department chair Professor Venter oversaw major upgrades to facilities and the renovation of the Mining Building. In 1987 he worked with colleagues at other Ontario universities to create the Manufacturing Research Corporation of Ontario, a provincial centre of excellence. He also created the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Institute, a joint program in design and manufacturing at the master’s level.

As vice-dean Professor Venter expanded the faculty’s distinctive Professional Experience Year (PEY), overseeing a doubling of program participation. PEY is now a centerpiece of engineering education at U of T. He went on to help found the Canadian Association for Internship Programs and served at its president. 

In 1993 Professor Venter chaired the Task Force on Gender Issues to ensure that female faculty members have equal opportunities to succeed and develop. He has been a mentor to many faculty and staff members over the years. As one of his colleagues says: “He was instrumental in helping to shape my career aspirations and providing opportunities that allowed me to develop the skill set required to pursue a progressive career path.”

As a member of Governing Council Professor Venter served on many committees that influenced the direction of the University both as a whole and divisionally. Later, as vice-provost, facilities and space planning, he had a major role in planning and administering a major expansion of University facilities.

Professor Venter’s colleagues centrally and divisionally have expressed their appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding work. “Many, many important initiatives were introduced under his leadership,” one writes. “Ron had an endless supply for energy and patience and displayed meticulous attention to detail,” says another. “It was obvious that he took pride in everything he did so that the University of Toronto met the highest standards,” writes a third. “He was a great ambassador for the University and a pleasure to work with.”

Professor Venter’s influence continues through the current U of T capital plan, developed while he was vice-provost, and through the Sustainability Office that he launched in 2005 with the goal of exceeding the University’s Kyoto Agreement requirements.

Upon his retirement, Professor Venter became interim CEO of the University’s Innovations Foundation and has helped manage several large projects in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Meanwhile, he has continued his voluntary activities as chair of the Alumni Awards Committees in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. His contributions have strengthened the faculty’s relationship with alumni around the world.


Ludwik and Estelle Jus Memorial Human Rights Prize

Dr. Arnold Noyek 

The World Health Organization declares in its constitution that “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being.” Arnold Noyek has worked tirelessly to extend that fundamental right through his exceptional work in linking health and peace, particularly in the Middle East.

Dr. Noyek is the founder of the Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO), based at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital and U of T, with strong links to York University and Baycrest. CISEPO, and its family of interactive programs, forms a unique international network of peaceful professional cooperation involving academics, physicians, researchers, educators, nurses, students, public health specialists and others working together, under a Canadian umbrella, as a team of Canadian, American, Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian individuals and institutions.  It has been generously supported by the Canadian government over the past 14 years.

CISEPO contributes to peace in the Middle East through academic and scientific exchanges involving universities, hospitals and communities and by supporting multi-lateral projects. Its countless activities have created a Canadian role model for peace building.   The unparalleled, sustainable success of the organization over the past 14 years is due to the extraordinary commitment of Dr. Noyek along with a team of equally dedicated colleagues from Canada, the United States and across the Arab and Israeli frontier in the Middle East. Pioneering accomplishments include: addressing a critical Middle East public hearing health need by implementing universal newborn hearing screening and habilitation, equipping deaf children for life; unlocking the mystery of genetic links causing some hereditary transferred forms of hearing loss affecting Palestinian babies through joint Israeli-Palestinian research; enabling Arab and Israeli surgeons to study, train and operate together in pioneering cochlear implant surgery; establishing electronic video-teleconferencing simultaneously linking physicians, scientists and other health professionals in Canada and the Middle East through highly interactive, relationship-building medical rounds; engaging medical students and high school students in activities, here and in the region, that engage their interest in health as a bridge to peace, produce cooperative projects and develop young leadership.

One of Dr. Noyek’s nominators calls him “a champion for equity” exhibiting “exemplary leadership in building cooperation, trust and equity in the Middle East.” Another cites his achievements in bringing “the real world issues of human rights, equity and discrimination into the clinic and classroom in compelling ways that have an impact on his students.” Often cited is his pioneering and celebrated work on behalf of deaf children and their families in the Middle East. His strategic approach helps create ‘new normals’ in academic curricula across the Arab and Israeli frontier, impacts on national health policies and builds people-to-people relationships with ‘the other’ through needs-based common ground activities of scientific and service relevance.

In 2004, Dr. Noyek was presented with the Canadian Red Cross Power of Humanity Award by Queen Noor of Jordan for his contributions to, and contributions through CISEPO. He also serves as the founding director of the Peter A. Silverman Centre for International Health at Mount Sinai, where he also promotes programs that bring people together to address poverty in developing countries in Africa and elsewhere.

Dr. Noyek has worked to promote continuing medical education, professional development and capacity building with universities in Israel since 1972 and with Arab universities since 1982. Since 1995, CISEPO has acted as an essential Canadian umbrella for the development of successful cross-border health projects in the region. Its activities cross the boundaries of language, culture and religion, bring Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians together on the basis of mutual respect and thus foster trust and confidence and ultimately contribute to peacebuilding.


Joan E. Foley Quality of Student Experience Award

Dr. Elaine Khoo 

Elaine Khoo is cited for her commitment to improving the student experience at U of T Scarborough (UTSC) and for exceptional initiative on behalf of students in the creation of innovative programs to accelerate English language development.
Dr. Khoo’s empathetic approach and supportive style have enabled her to create an effective approach to English language learning. She developed a unique and comprehensive program at UTSC known as the English Language Development (ELD) program that helps students acquire critical thinking and academic communication skills as well as a great deal of confidence to engage actively in student life. Since 2004, one of the programs, the English Language Development Summer Learning Institute, has helped high school students make the transition to university.
Beginning in 2005, Dr. Khoo enhanced the ELD program by adding the Communication Café, which uses specially designed pedagogic games to develop students'communication skills. In 2006-07, there were 566 visits to the program, 946 the next year and in 2008-09 more than 1280. The Reading and Writing through Email program, which helps to make students independent writers, is another example of her innovative student-centred pedagogy.
Her student nominators are the most eloquent. “My involvement in the ELD program was a vital turning point not only for the development of my English language skills but, more importantly, for my entire university life,” one of Dr. Khoo’s students writes. “Since participating in the program, I have been able to achieve a quantum leap in language development, which in turn enabled me to achieve my academic goals and opened many doors to exhilarating opportunities.”
Another writes: “She not only provided me with constructive comments on my written assignments, but she was thrilled to help me move beyond academic writing. Her approachable manner and the care she shows stimulated me to improve my language skills. My progress was reflected in my academic achievements. As a result, I became more engaged in activities on campus and decided to give back to the English language development community by working as a Communication Outreach and Support Officer.”
One of her faculty colleagues describes Dr. Khoo’s program as exciting and innovative. “She has had a life-changing impact on students participating in her programs,” a UTSC professor writes.



Chancellor’s Award (Emerging Leader)

Sharon Grandison

In her role as manager of human resources for Ancillary Services at U of T, Sharon Grandison’s responsibilities include organizational management, recruitment, selection, hiring, training and development, and other vital functions. She has been selected to receive the 2009 Chancellor’s Award in the Emerging Leader category for her work in transforming the former Colony Hotel into the Chestnut Street student residence, and for her many other important contributions.

Ms. Grandison made the transition from director of human resources for the Colony Hotel to a managerial role at U of T in 2003 and went on to transform the hotel into a student residence. In her work at the residence she helped the hotel managers and staff who were retained to adjust to the changes. She stressed the positive impact the staff could have on the lives of U of T students and the satisfaction of getting to know and assisting the student residents.

She has organized many training sessions for managers and has embraced the opportunity to participate in campus initiatives outside her immediate work environment. She has also worked at OISE/UT and contributed to an administrative reorganization at the Faculty of Music. In 2006 her role was expanded to include responsibility for human resources for all of Ancillary Service and for Temporary Source (now UTemp), the U of T agency that provides temporary staffing for administrative positions. On her watch UTemp has seen a four-fold growth in revenues. She has successfully promoted the growth of the service by meeting with U of T clients to assess their temporary staffing needs.

Ms. Grandison continues to organize training and professional development sessions for Ancillary Services staff and has made a significant contribution to the reorganization of the University’s family housing operation. She also participates in U of T’s mentorship program and has worked with colleagues to offer an orientation program for new U of T employees.


Chancellor’s Award (Influential Leader)

Barbara McCann

Barbara McCann has served the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering with distinction for more than 30 years, 24 of these years as registrar. She has been selected to receive the 2009 Chancellor’s Award in the Influential Leader category for her qualities of leadership, dedication and innovation.

As Faculty Registrar, Ms McCann and her team of dedicated staff are responsible for a number of administrative functions namely, Admissions and Awards, First Year Counselling, Petitions and Appeals, Scheduling, Registration and Course enrolment and many other vital registrarial functions.

Throughout her career, she has been a strong supporter of women in engineering. During her tenure as registrar, female enrolment has risen to 21.5 per cent from 13.5 per cent, due in no small measure to her efforts to ensure that the faculty is welcoming for, and supportive of, women. In 1998 she created the Women in Engineering association, in conjunction with some female undergraduate students, the first such group at the faculty, and has taken part in many initiatives to ensure that women thrive.

As one has student says: “No matter how big or small the problem I have had over the years, knowing Barbara has made me feel that I always had someone looking out for me and that I have someone I can trust and talk to if the need arises.”

Ms. McCann has also championed under-represented student groups, those with special needs and those who require additional support. She has long been an advocate for students with disabilities and has worked closely with the LGBTQ community and the Committee on Community Affairs and Gender Issues to address issues facing gay and lesbian students and others.

Ms. McCann was recognized by the SAC Equity Commission Award for her support of Muslim students and her work with the U of T Muslim Students Association.

She has extended her support to colleagues as well as students, helping to ensure that administrative staff members are represented on the Faculty Council and implementing one of the first staff recognition awards at U of T.

Ms. McCann’s involvement has extended beyond the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering to embrace the whole University. She has participated in U of T’s mentoring program and has served on many working groups and committees to improve the student experience. Inside the faculty and across the University she has helped to plan and implement many programs and technological innovations for students.



Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award

William Clifton Vanderlinden

PhD student Cliff Vanderlinden is a promising scholar who has already begun to contribute in a meaningful way to academic studies of international security, political psychology and global governance.

Innovative and multidisciplinary, Mr. Vanderlinden has demonstrated leadership in his service to the Department of Political Science and the G8 Research Group at the Munk Centre for International Studies. As chair of the G8 Research Group he led the development of improved research design for several research units and directed more than 100 graduate and undergraduate students involved in the project. He is currently editor of the Journal of International Law and International Relations, published by the University’s Faculty of Law in cooperation with the Munk Centre.

“Cliff’s priority as chair was always the student experience,” says one of his nominators. “He was careful to make sure that the group provided its student analysts with the most valuable experience possible. Through his efforts, students were able to engage in research, publish their work, get media training and attend the G8 summit.”

Mr. Vanderlinden graduated from McMaster University with a BA in economics and political science in 2004 and the University of Western Ontario with a master’s degree in journalism in 2005. He is a fellow of the Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies and a junior fellow of Massey College.

UTAA Graduate Scholars:

Jordan L. Poppenk

PhD student Jordan Poppenk explores the cognitive neuroscience of human memory. He has found that old memories facilitate new ones and influence the biological processes of memory and the ability to remember. In support of his research he has acquired skills in psychological testing and brain imaging techniques. Mr. Poppenk graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 2005 with a BA in psychology and from U of T in 2007 with an MA in psychology and neuroscience. Upon completion of his PhD he plans to pursue post-doctoral work in memory. 

Lydell D. Wiebe

PhD student Lydell Wiebe is working on the development of high-performance systems for mid-rise steel structures that can resist earthquakes. His research aims at improving the performance of buildings during seismic events by eliminating or reducing damage to their main structures. Mr. Wiebe graduated from the University of Toronto with a BASc in 2005 and from the University of Pavia, Italy, with a Master of Science degree in earthquake engineering in 2008. Upon completion of his PhD at U of T he plans to work as a design engineer before pursuing a university career.


John H. Moss Scholarship

Raha Bahreini

Now studying for a law degree at Osgoode Hall in Toronto, Raha Bahreini graduated from U of T in the fall of 2008 with a BA in Women and Gender Studies and Ethics, Society and Law. An outstanding student, she is the recipient of the 2008 Ignat Kaneff Entrance Scholarship for Academic Excellence from Osgoode and was the recipient of many awards and scholarships at U of T, including the Victoria Reunion Award, the City of Toronto Women’s Studies Scholarship and the Helen Gregory MacGill Prize in Women’s Studies.

Ms. Bahreini’s interest in women and gender studies arose from her experiences in Iran before coming to Canada. “I spent my adolescent years in a legal system that denied my sex the right to dress freely, enjoy equal education, effect changes in marital status and run for public office,” she writes. “I grew up under a regime that condemned ... my people to repression and execution for being on the side of democracy and human rights. These experiences provided me with an acute sensitivity to fighting for justice and motivated me to turn to the pursuit of social justice into my lifelong commitment.”

In addition to her studies, Ms. Bahreini has been an active volunteer at U of T, working to improve the student experience. She has been a mentor in the Humanities for Humanity program at Trinity College, a youth coordinator for an AIDS prevention project at New College, coordinator of an AIDS conference, also at New College, and vice-president of a campus anti-tobacco group.

Since 2006 Ms. Bahreini has been director of IRQO, the Iranian Queer Organization that raises public awareness of the violation of the human rights of gay, lesbian and other LGBT people in Iran and carries out advocacy, media outreach and counseling. 

This summer she plans to work as a researcher at the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center in New Haven, CT. Her longer term objective is to work as a human rights lawyer focusing on Iran.

UTAA Scholars:

James Auron

Currently in his final year at U of T, James Auron is pursuing a double major in history and religious studies and completing his term as president of the UC Lit—the University College Literary and Athletic Society—Canada’s oldest democratically elected student government. He plans to study for a law degree at U of T or Osgoode Hall.

Colum Grove-White

Colum Grove-White is graduating with a Joint-Specialist degree in international relations and Peace and Conflict Studies, a major in Asia-Pacific Studies, as well as a minor in political science. He has taken a particular interest in North Korea and the six-party talks to address concerns arising from that country’s nuclear program.  Mr. Grove-White served as president of the Arts and Science Students’ Union from 2008-9. He plans to pursue further studies in International Relations in graduate school.

Sheryl Johnson

Sheryl Johnson is working towards a BA in religion and women’s studies, with a minor in music history. She is a candidate for ministry in the United Church of Canada and is pursuing a certificate in youth ministry. She is the recipient of a Canadian Merit Scholarship and several other prestigious awards and scholarships. Following ordination she plans to pursue graduate degrees in theology and women’s studies.

Ada Le

Ada Le is completing a BSc, specializing in psychology. Among her many academic and extra-curricular commitments, Ms. Le has been vice-president, academics, for the Psychology and Neuroscience Department Association at U of T Scarborough. In that capacity she created and organized a student peer tutoring program. She plans to continue her studies in cognitive neuroscience at the graduate level.


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