Upcoming events hub
Chicago, IL: A Festive Happy Hour at The Metropolitan Club
Let's celebrate the holidays together!
Taipei, TW: Alumni and Friends Festive Gathering
Time to celebrate Christmas and welcome Year 2025!
Hong Kong, SAR: UTAA(HK) New Year Hike and Barbecue
Kick-off Year 2025 with hiking and barbecue with fellow U of T alumni
Black History Month: The Frantz Fanon 100th Year Anniversary Symposium
Join OISE to celebrate 100 years of Frantz Fanon, a famous French Afro-Caribbean psychiatrist once described as "the most influential anticolonial thinker of his time", with a day of insightful keynote speakers, networking, and Caribbean foods.
There's even more!
In addition to the University-wide events above, your faculty or college may have exclusive events for their alumni.