Seoul, KR: Alumni and Friends Summer Pub Night

Join us at Bar MOXY for a fantastic summer night in Seoul!

Social & fun
pub night

Come and join a summer pub night with fellow U of T alumni and friends in Seoul at Bar MOXY!

Don't miss out this opportunity to relax, unwind, and connect with fellow alumni over a buffet dinner, with free flow of drinks! A designated area of the bar will be reserved for the U of T group. Your regional alumni representative Patrick Han and the team will be there to welcome you.

Pre-registration price: KRW 60,000 for 2 persons; KRW 40,000 for 1 person
Walk-in price: KRW 45,000 per person
(Include 3 hours parking)

Payment detail:
Please RSVP via making payment to Shinhan Bank 110-517-986354 YEOM JI EUN and send your name to Patrick Han (010-7388-0363) via Kakao Talk to confirm your reservation.

Have questions about this event?

Contact Prudence Ng at

Three alumni smiling together at Canada's Wonderland.

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