Join us for a lecture and reception with Rev. Dr. Sam Wells, urban parish priest, author and founder of HeartEdge network. Sam focuses on the need to work as much beyond the church as within it.

Where is God calling us and who is God calling together? What happens when we shift our sights outward? What happens when we “seek to catch up with the work of the Spirit”? Join Trinity College alumni, faculty, and students for our inaugural session in a year for exploring these questions and more in our Canadian church. All are welcome.
Guest Speaker Bio
Rev. Dr. Sam Wells, Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, has served as a parish priest for 25 years, including a decade in urban priority areas. Author and founder of the HeartEdge network of churches, he focuses on the need for church to collaborate with the Holy Spirit, who works as much beyond the church as within it.
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