Join psychiatrist and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Abi-Jaoude’s as he discusses how to combat excessive screen use and promote healthier behaviours within your children.
Smartphones and the use of social media have gained popularity among youth over the past decade and screen time has rapidly increased among this group during the pandemic. Many parents are concerned about the increasing mental distress and negative impacts on youth socioemotional functioning, which parallels their excess use of social media and smartphones.
Join Dr. Elia Abi-Jaoude, psychiatrist and assistant professor at the University of Toronto, to learn ways to ultimately promote healthy behaviours in your children as he discusses youth mental health and strategies to combat the effects of digital media overuse.
Based on Dr. Abi-Jaoude’s publication titled: “Smartphones, social media use and youth mental health”
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Dr. Elia Abi-Jaoude is a psychiatrist and assistant professor at the University of Toronto. His area of clinical specialization and academic focus is in developmental neuropsychiatry. He also has a particular interest in asking and pursuing challenging questions related to concepts and treatments in psychiatry. As well, Dr. Abi-Jaoude works with adolescents and families in crisis, which has led to his growing interest in how social factors influence how we view the experiences of youth. He often finds the experiences from his work to be humbling, inspiring, and illuminating when it comes to parenting his own children. He is constantly trying to figure things out on the fly.