DUA Alumni Relations will partner with the Career Exploration & Education office, and Sexual Diversity & Gender office to connect our LGBTQ2S+ alumni and current U of T students for an evening of networking and mingling.

Networking has become a more challenging experience for some as many of us have shifted our work and personal lives online. This career networking opportunity brings together 2SLGBTQ+ alumni and students to share career insights in a fun and supportive environment. Please join us for an evening of career stories, experience sharing and building new connections!
These conversations will be taking place in breakout rooms. Participating alumni and students will be asked to switch rooms at 15-minute intervals as to get the most out of this event!
Please contact Alumni Relations, if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.
* Are you interested in volunteering at our upcoming events? Please contact Alumni Relations.
In partnership with: