2021 Alumni Survey FAQ

Please find below some frequently asked questions about the 2021 Alumni Survey.

Why is the University of Toronto undertaking an alumni survey?

Alumni Relations is committed to being a lifetime resource of ideas, networks, connections and support, as well as offering myriad programmatic opportunities for alumni to explore, create, and share. The objective of the survey is to help us deliver programs and services that engage all alumni, and that are inclusive and equitable.

Who is being invited to complete this survey?

All U of T alumni are invited to complete the survey. Participation is completely voluntary.

How do I access and complete the survey?

Alumni will be sent an email with a link to access the survey. Links to the survey will also be distributed through social media.

When should I complete the survey?

The survey will open September 9, 2021 and close October 15, 2021 at 23:59.

How long will this survey take?

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Why are you gathering specific demographic information?

The demographic questions include general information about gender identity, sexual orientation, Indigeneity, race, ethnicity and disability. This information helps us understand our alumni community and develop inclusive programs and services. It is stored separately from any other personal data. Survey information is only reported on in aggregate.

I don’t identify with any equity deserving groups. Why should I complete the demographic section of the survey?

Your participation will give us a fuller picture of our alumni community and will contribute to our capacity to advance equity, inclusion, and overall alumni engagement.

I provided my name and email as part of the draw. Is that information connected to my survey responses?

The name and email address you provide to enter the draw are recorded and stored separately from survey responses but are necessary to award the draw prizes.


Whom do I contact if I have questions about the survey?

If you have any questions please contact alumni.relations@utoronto.ca.

Access the survey Notice of Collection


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